Tips for using your ZzzBand

We have received so many wonderful comments, suggestions and questions, I thought I would share some of the insights for using ZzzBand.

  • Easy adjustment - set strap to longest setting and use the adjustable headrest side by moving in and out to adjust to the desire tension.
  • Creating your own space - use noise cancelling head phones over the outside of the ZzzBand or noise cancelling to earbuds to create the allusion you are not in a crowded plane but in your own sanctuary.
  • Hot heads, cold body - turn on the individual air vent and place a blanket or coat on your arms and body to adjust your temperature.
  • Neck position - loosen the tension and lean into the strap with your forehead so that it cradles it like a hammock.
  • Hair concerns - for those afraid of messing up your hair - instead of placing the headband over your head fold it in half in front of your forehead.  Although with my straight hair experience I've found this is not necessary.
  • Sleep mask - remove the strap and use to block out the light in your hotel or bedroom or camping.  I usually wait until the morning and put mine on when the light first starts.
  • Out of the box use - my favorite is Kirsten's use as a sunglasses holder.  She removed the strap, wore the ZzzBand slightly askew and stored stored her glasses in the strap slot.  See picture inset.
  • Worth the effort - every situation and every one is unique with different needs.  I have found with little time investment, I have been able to use my ZzzBand in most applications.